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Is My Name finished?

Is My Name finished

2 إجابة

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Is My Name finished?



In the end, Mu-jin's trusted minion, Jung Tae-ju, who stabbed Captain Cha Giho, came to kill Ji-woo. Tae-ju revealed that he wanted to kill Dong-hoon, but it was Mu-jin who killed him. While beating a punk, Mu-jin found a covert listening device planted inside his lighter.16‏
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بواسطة (2.4مليون نقاط)
Why was Pil-do killed in My Name?

She decided to help the police capture Mujin in My Name and do what her father had hoped to do when he was still alive. Instead, Pil-do was killed. It was right after the two of them confessed their feelings for each other. This confession was heartfelt and moving, which made Pil-do's death more heartbreaking

اسئلة متعلقة

1 إجابة
سُئل أبريل 25، 2022 في تصنيف معلومات عامة بواسطة alnwrsraby (2.4مليون نقاط)
1 إجابة
سُئل نوفمبر 20، 2023 في تصنيف معلومات عامة بواسطة alnwrsraby (2.4مليون نقاط)
1 إجابة