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تعبير عن نمط الحياة lifestyle بالإنجليزية سنة ثانية ثانوي تعبير عن أسلوب حياتي

My Lifestyle أسلوب حياتي

السنة الثانية ثانوي شعبة اداب وفلسفة

مرحباً بكم متابعينا الأعزاء طلاب وطالبات العلم  في موقعنا النورس العربي منبع المعلومات والحلول الذي يقدم لكم أفضل الأسئله بإجابتها الصحيحه من شتى المجالات التعلمية من مقرر المناهج التعليمية  والثقافية ويسعدنا أن نقدم لكم حل السؤال الذي يقول........ تعبير عن نمط الحياة lifestyle بالإنجليزية سنة ثانية ثانوي تعبير عن أسلوب حياتي

الإجابة هي كالتالي 

تعبير عن نمط الحياة lifestyle بالإنجليزية

My Lifestyle

Consistency is the best thing in the world. It gives you the feeling of stability and productivity. When you have a consistent lifestyle, you are going to be organized, productive, and healthy. In this essay, Lama describes her lifestyle in detail for the sake of inspiring us.

I am Lama and I am in grade 6, so I am 11 years old. My parents created for me an amazing lifestyle, it shapes my personality and the activities I do. I wake up every day at 6:00 am and I start preparing myself to go to school. I wear my clothes, and I make my bed, then I go to the kitchen to help my mother in preparing my lunch box. I normally take with me one sandwich either a cheese sandwich or a turkey one. I eat them alongside orange juice and small carrots. My mother takes care of my health, so she tries to add fruits and vegetables to the meal. I take with me nuts as a snack, and I take 3 dollars from my father in case I want to buy something. I head to my school at 7:30, and I start my day with my beautiful friends Suha, and Hanan. I spend around 7 hours at school then I get back home around 2:30 p.m. I have lunch with my brothers then I take a 30 minute- nap. In the afternoon, our cousins came to play with me PlayStation, and I always win! After that, I start doing my homework, and if there is anything difficult, I tend to ask my brother Yusef. I call my day at 9:30, I brush my teeth, and I prepare myself for sleeping. I love lighting a candle and reading a short story. 

My days differ according to things I have or people I am going to meet. I love each in every moment in my day, and I appreciate my life.

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تعبير عن نمط الحياة lifestyle بالإنجليزية سنة ثانية ثانوي تعبير عن أسلوب حياتي

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