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What was the purpose of the Balfour Agreement?

Hello Dear visitors of the Arab seagull alnwrsraby website We are pleased with your visit to give you the answer to the question of what isWhat was the purpose of the Balfour Agreement?

The answer is 

 What was the purpose of the Balfour Agreement?

What was the purpose of the Balfour Agreement?

What is the Balfour Declaration? The Balfour Declaration (“Balfour's promise” in Arabic) was a public pledge by Britain in 1917 declaring its aim to establish “a national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine.

What was the purpose of the Balfour Agreement? What is the Balfour Declaration? The Balfour Declaration (“Balfour's promise” in Arabic) was a public pledge by Britain in 1917 declaring its aim to establish “a national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine.

Balfour promise

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Balfour promise What was the purpose of the Balfour Agreement

Why did Britain promise Palestine to Israel?

In 1917, in order to win Jewish support for Britain's First World War effort, the British Balfour Declaration promised the establishment of a Jewish national home in Ottoman-controlled Palestine.

اسئلة متعلقة

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سُئل نوفمبر 20، 2023 في تصنيف معلومات عامة بواسطة alnwrsraby (2.4مليون نقاط)
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سُئل أكتوبر 7، 2021 في تصنيف مناهج تعليمية بواسطة alnwrsraby (2.4مليون نقاط)
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سُئل أكتوبر 3، 2021 في تصنيف مناهج تعليمية بواسطة alnwrsraby (2.4مليون نقاط)
1 إجابة
سُئل أكتوبر 3، 2021 في تصنيف مناهج تعليمية بواسطة alnwrsraby (2.4مليون نقاط)
1 إجابة
سُئل أكتوبر 3، 2021 في تصنيف مناهج تعليمية بواسطة alnwrsraby (2.4مليون نقاط)